
Archive for December 24th, 2010|Daily archive page

Call me sinful

In Thoughtful dilemmas on December 24, 2010 at 2:40 PM

Dear God,

I know i don’t talk to You much, and i cant say i’ve been a obidient.. umm.. disciple, but i wanna ask You some stuff regarding my life lately. I know it seems stupid to send You a mail through a blog, but what else can i do? I’ve been trying to contact you through my mind, through prayers, through anything i can but You still didn’t answer.

I wish there was some 2-way communication device between mankind and You. Why? Well because there’s a hell lot of problems in the world today that only You can answer. As much as man try to think it through rationally, it just doesn’t cut it. The answer we find, seek, or try to assume never delivers and can never be achieved with even the highest logic possible. And when we (i) look into the Quran or ask a friend or dad it just doesn’t seem quite right. I need your words to convince me to these answers.

You may call me rude or ungreatful for this exsistence You give me, but God, i wanna question some stuff about what You say. And no im not brave by asking You this, im damn scared, but i need to.. i need You to answer. I need You to make me believe.

Im an open man, i never considered religion to be something absolute in this world. I never say that Islam is the outmost best, nor do i say that any other is worse. I come to appreciate others through this open-minded way i think. As long as mankind live in harmony then isn’t that enough? Isn’t that the purpose of having our religion? Then God i ask, why does religion creates boundaries and segregates people. I know that we have to prey and that’s fine with me, but why in other parts of life do we have to be squared and boxed up? Say.. Marriage? Or any other stuff.

“When people say that religion will bring everyone together, why is it that the very thing they speak of actually breaks us apart?”

Why does it creates differences and makes us pick one side, creating strongholds to battle each other out? Why can’t tolerance really be excersised? Why?

God, i need You to answer.. please leave a comment at least.